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Instructor training

Medical Yoga Instructor:

To become an instructor in Medical Yoga, you must take four modules.

These modules are:


  • Medical Yoga Breathing

  • Medical Yoga Anatomy/physiology

  • Medical Yoga understand your energy system

  • 4 modules you choose yourself (see our modules)


When you choose the instructor training, you follow the set dates for the modules that you will find under training. There is also an opportunity to take the education at your own pace. Modules that have been held will have new dates set up for next year.

MYN Breathe

14 and 15 October 2023, at 10:00-16:00

Place: Drammen

Course instructors: Anette and Marianne

MYN Anatomy/physiology

11 and 12 November, at 10:00-16:00

Location: Oslo

Course instructor: Tiril

MYN Understand your energy system

13 and 14 January, at 10:00-16:00

Place: Drammen

Course instructors: Cathinka and Marianne

Optional module

You will find the date of the module you choose here under the heading "education"

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The certification program is suitable for those who have taken the min. 2 modules with us and who want to learn how to work 1:1 in your practice.

For you as a yoga teacher, this certification program can contribute to how you can facilitate individual follow-up.

Contents of this module:

  • Ethics and values

  • The body's natural relaxation responses

  • Knowledge and techniques for self-care with yoga teachers, both before, during and after 1:1

  • Mapping tool

  • Teaching skills

  • Relational skills

  • Pedagogy

  • Trauma understanding

  • Techniques for "first aid" in everyday life

  • To develop skills to support the emotional responses of the participant

  • You get access to a group forum to exchange ideas and experiences with other yoga teachers

Practical info

Between each module, practice of completed modules is expected. The internship is carried out as:

  • Self-study; where you do the yoga programs yourself. A Facebook group is created where you have the opportunity to ask questions or share reflections. 

  • In addition, it is recommended that you hold a yoga program for one or more participants between the modules. More information about this in a separate article.

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